Should we settle..?
So we're thirty something. Some SISTAH's feeling the clock ticking. There's a really nice guy, good values, with a good job who seems to adore every aspect of you. He brings the flowers on valentine's, is always home waiting for your phone call and willing to take you shopping, lime with your firends and go to the "girlie" movies. Just one problem .... He doesn't ring your bells!!! A roll in the sack is amazing once you fantasize about Denzel or Wesley! What do we do SISTAHs?? Well I could tell you in my twenties this was a no brainer - kick the guy to the curb! Somehow these days, without my even noticing it, my standards seem to be creeping downward. Maybe we could try tantric sex.... its all in the mind :). Why is it that as we get older our standards seem to get lower. For me, though I flirt with the idea of settling I know that I wont. Its just not in my make up. I know that there is a wonderful man out there who will have my bells chiming all the way to the church - (just haven't met any lately) but Im holding out for one. Am I being immature, naive? What do you think SISTAHs?